Why use Clean Culture?
Many horses may suffer digestive disorders at some time in their life. These may be caused by long periods between feeds, diets with a high grain intake, extended administration of antibiotics, sudden change of feed, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and horses who are prone to ulcers. Clean Culture aims to support the digestive system.
We recommend feeding Clean Culture in the following situations:
• When buying a new horse
• When bringing your horse in from spelling
• During injury recovery
• During times of stress - competition, travel, environment change
• Periodically during season changes
Digestive Health Facts
More than half of all horses may experience stomach ulcers and stomach distress at some stage in their life. Horses who have ulcers will often present symptoms such as going off their feed, weight lost, dull coat and can appear nervous or ‘hot’ and ‘girthy’.
About the Ingredients