STORE OPEN NOW! Join us and River949 as we celebrate our 'official' open day 9am Saturday 28 September.
This traditional elastic-sided boot looks good with everything. The epitome of quality and comfort, the Horseman boot features a leather sole for truly traditional experience.
**See size guide picture for size information**
Remove dust and grime from upper with a lightly dampened cloth or sponge and then leave to dry naturally. Once dry, apply polish, leave polish to dry then buff with a soft brush or cloth.
Leather soles are very easily damaged by heat. Damp soles should be allowed to dry out slowly in a well ventilated place that is not warmer than a normal living room.
One safe way to assist the drying out of very wet shoes is to take up excess moisture by stuffing them with dry newspaper for a few hours or overnight. Leather soled footwear is best used as a dress option.