Best Guess is a nutritional mineral supplement with copper and zinc plus iodine to help support optimal hoof, coat, hair and immune system health.
Formulated to provide the most commonly deficient minerals based on thousands of pasture and hay laboratory tests. Best Guess is a highly bioavailable mineral mix containing proven premium mineral sources based on equine research.
Best Guess mineral mix is ideal for horses where the intake is lacking copper and zinc or a very high iron (or manganese) intake is preventing uptake.
Ideal as a supplement is ideal for adding more copper and zinc to an intake.
Feeding rate and recommendations
The recommendation to add salt to Best Guess is to make the feeding rate very easy to measure, for the small size – 1 tablespoon, large size – 1/2 tablespoon. Without salt added to the mix, the size of the feeding rate would be very small and could be challenging – 5.6 grams for the standard feeding rate, the amount to trial.
Since many horses are sodium or chloride deficient and the amount of salt added *per day* to the Best Guess mix is quite small, it is still recommended to supplement in addition 2 tablespoons of salt in one or split among a number of feeds per day, more in hot weather.
Always start with a tiny amount and build up slowly to increase acceptance over time.